Order placement error/ delays

Hi - My program has been reporting errors with placed orders, can someone please let me know the cause of these errors?

1) The order results in this response from the API : {"status":"error","message":"Order request timed out. Please check the order book and confirm before placing again.","data":null,"error_type":"NetworkException"} - in this case the order was placed and executed but the API had failed with this error.

2) Sometimes market orders (on liquid instruments) placed, take 15-20 seconds to be released to exchange/ validated, making the order appear open for all this while. - Is it the order traffic at your end causing this validation delay or is it something to do only with API orders?
    It's a problem going on from the past few months for some people. I have mentioned you in a post about this problem. You can read more about this issue there,but for now, there is no solution,as the exact cause is not known.
  • eseses
    Thanks for this. I guess it is to do with traffic/ network then, if orders are placed at some specific times - like immediately after a particular candle close/ breakout, etc.
  • jeevan_bhatt
    any solution for this @sujith @SRIJAN ?
    facing loss becouse of this
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