400 Error while placing order on commodity

I am getting 400 error while placing commodity order on SilverMIC. I am sending following OrderParams for Order

orderParams.quantity = 1
orderParams.orderType = Constants.ORDER_TYPE_MARKET;
orderParams.tradingsymbol = "SILVERMIC22APRFUT";
orderParams.product = Constants.PRODUCT_MIS;
orderParams.exchange = Constants.EXCHANGE_MCX;
orderParams.transactionType = Constants.TRANSACTION_TYPE_BUY;
orderParams.validity = Constants.VALIDITY_DAY;

kiteConnect.placeOrder(orderParams, Constants.VARIETY_REGULAR);

Can you please suggest, if I am missing anything?
  • sujith
    You can either print the exception message and see the correct message or run javakiteconnect with debug logs on and see the raw json response.
    Use "MCX" instead of constant.
  • vipbhavsar
    @SRIJAN - Using "MCX" did not work
    @sujith - new KiteConnect("api_key", true); prints message as null

    Exception code - 400
    Exception message - null

    Any other change required to print detailed message?
    Use try-catch block.
  • sujith
    Can you paste the complete stacktrace here with debug log on?

    PS: Make sure to remove app and client specific tokens.
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