Postback format

i tried to place an order today and through the post back i got the below json as response. and below are my questions
  • do we get any other data in this webhook postback?
  • i read that an order will have multiple trades, do i get trade information in post back? if so, what format?
  • what are the different order status you have?
  • why is this rejected trade not being shown when i hit trades or orders API?
  • why arent the trades that i bought through kite web interface is not returned in API?(holdings or positions)

"order_id": "170129000000126"
, "exchange_order_id": ""
, "order_timestamp": "2017-01-29 04:31:10"
, "exchange_timestamp": ""
, "status": "REJECTED"
, "status_message": "XXX"
, "placed_by": "xxxxx"
, "user_id": "xxxxx"
, "tradingsymbol": "HINDALCO"
, "exchange": "NSE"
, "transaction_type": "BUY"
, "order_type": "SL"
, "quantity": 1
, "filled_quantity": 0
, "unfilled_quantity": 0
, "price": 0
, "average_price": 0
, "trigger_price": 1
, "product": "CNC"
, "validity": "DAY"
, "tag": "myTag"
, "checksum": "fac5185e54e8b9f4657628137b0393fc8d5e03ecee283b47e273dd6cbbc94fd8"
  • sujith
    sujith edited February 2017
    @pranksterguru I guess you've misunderstood trades somehow. So, If an order is executed, and it is large, it may execute in a single or multiple trades. Since the order is rejected by the system, no trades are registered as the order is never sent to the exchange but is rejected by the EMS (execution management system) for any number of reasons.
    do we get any other data in this webhook postback?
    Checkout documentation here.
    what are the different order status you have?
    You will come across these order status often i.e. open, executed, rejected and cancelled.
    For more info about other status, try fetching individual executed order as mentioned here. It will give you lifecycle of an order in our system.
    why arent the trades that i bought through kite web interface is not returned in API?(holdings or positions)
    You do get positions and holdings.
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