404 Not Found

when login to kiteconnect with login_url after supplying password and 2FA getting this message.

Not Found

The requested URL was not found on the server. If you entered the URL manually please check your spelling and try again. The authorization page not coming up.
  • sujith
    Hi @pvgeorge,
    After successful login, we redirect to the "Redirect URL" you have specified while creating app. Anyways page not found won't matter. You will be getting request_token in url. If you are getting it then go ahead and use it.
  • pvgeorge
    Hi Sujith,
    I am following the webinar and trying. I did as you said and another message "invalid session credentials"
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "", line 1, in
    kite.request_access_token("r996jfqxieftwu3934mq3uw7cvvksym6", api_secret)
    File "C:\Users\george\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python36-32\lib\site-packages\kiteconnect\__init__.py", line 235, in request_access_token
    "checksum": checksum
    File "C:\Users\george\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python36-32\lib\site-packages\kiteconnect\__init__.py", line 467, in _post
    return self._request(route, "POST", params)
    File "C:\Users\george\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python36-32\lib\site-packages\kiteconnect\__init__.py", line 554, in _request
    raise(exp(data["message"], code=r.status_code))
    kiteconnect.exceptions.TokenException: Invalid session credentials.
  • sujith
    You should use same client id as specified while creating app.
  • pvgeorge
    Hi Sujith,
    The reply not clear.
    The client id was asked only on login, there the same client id was used. I have only one client id. Where else I need to give client id?
  • pranksterguru
    If you are getting this error 2fa, it is due their maintanance shut down @pvgeorge
  • pvgeorge
    Login to kite no problem. Login problem is only to the api
  • sujith
    sujith edited February 2017
    @pvgeorge, Can you private message me your request token? I will try using it and get back to you.
  • pvgeorge
    Now I am getting access token that part is ok, even though the 404 not found is still continuing.

  • sujith
    @pvgeorge, I would suggest you give valid url as mentioned in instruction below the "Redirect URL" box on developers console.
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