Average price is zero on weekends

We notice that the average_price is 0 for all stocks on weekends in holdings when accessed via the API. Any idea why this is happening?

{u'product': u'CNC', u'exchange': u'NSE', u'price': 0, u'last_price': 1303.2, u'tradingsymbol': u'INDUSINDBK', u'collateral_type': None, u'collateral_quantity': 0, u't1_quantity': 0, u'pnl': *, u'isin': u'INE095A01012', u'close_price': 0, u'quantity': *, u'realised_quantity': *, u'average_price': 0, u'instrument_token': 1346049}
  • sujith
    Hi @krisys,
    Sometimes when trade process is unsuccessful in back office. This might happen. Hopefully all these will go off in our new back office.
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