Operation timed out

Operation timed out after 300115 milliseconds with 0 out of 0 bytes received
  • bmpateliya
    PHP Fatal error: Uncaught NetworkException (503) 'Operation timed out after 300131 milliseconds with 0 out of 0 bytes received'
    SRIJAN edited June 2022
    The solution has already been suggested here:

    Handle the exception and retry after some delay.
  • bmpateliya
    bmpateliya edited June 2022
    issue has been not solved kindly check your end we have checking same issue face other user
    Tell which endpoint is throwing error??
    Are you polling any API continuously?

    There is no issue with KiteConnect APIs.

    There can be multiple reasons for Network Exception. Local network issues etc.
    You have to debug this at your end .
  • bmpateliya
    access token update and instruments update issue facing also same working fine yesterday morning but today to not any data update and error throw is
    instrument update time : Operation timed out after 300115 milliseconds with 0 out of 0 bytes received
  • sujith
    We don't see any issue at our end. All the requests we received has be served successfully. It could be your network issue or you might be blocked by CDN if you keep polling APIs.
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