I don't get the quote back when I try any of the below lines. It used to work for me before. Around 6-7 months the below lines were used to return the quote back. Please let me know if anything changed.
Controller.getBrokerLogin().getBrokerHandle().quote('NSE:ITC') or Controller.getBrokerLogin().getBrokerHandle().quote('NFO:BANKNIFTY2290837100PE')
I used to give the below information 6 months back and it was getting me the quote. As you can see above, I do pass the clientID, AppKey & AppSecret to handle broker login like below. So is it not more needed?
brokerAppConfig = getBrokerAppConfig()
brokerAppDetails = BrokerAppDetails(brokerAppConfig['broker'])
2022-09-02 13:54:37: Fetching instruments done. Instruments count = 65397
2022-09-02 13:54:37: - - [02/Sep/2022 13:54:37] "GET /?algoStarted=true HTTP/1.1" 200 -
2022-09-02 13:54:39: Algo started.
2022-09-02 13:55:06: Exception while getQuote from server
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\admin\PycharmProjects\algo-trade-neostrategies\src\core\Quotes.py", line 20, in getQuote
print('inside Zerodha quote 1 ' + bQuoteResp)
TypeError: can only concatenate str (not "dict") to str
2022-09-02 13:55:06: NeoBuy: Could not get quotes for option symbols