creating tags

I can see that kite has a GET call to list all tags. This can then be used while placing orders. This is all good.

Is there also an api to create tags?

  • rakeshr
    Yes, you can use the tag field while placing an order. It will be available in the order book response.
  • amit0
    Hi @rakeshr sorry my message wasn't clear. I was talking about the tags visible in the console.

    While placing order I notice that you send tags: 't:tagname:tagud', I wanted to do the same i.e. use console tags. but also wanted to create a tag in console if possible.
  • rakeshr
    Yes, we will add a console tag soon for API users as well. Will make the announcement regarding the same.
  • saurabhhuf
    If we add tag in order, they are visible only in the orders list? Is there a way to filter/access trades or open positions by a tag via API?
  • rakeshr
    If we add tag in order, they are visible only in the orders list?
    Yes, it will be reflecting in the order book response.
    Is there a way to filter/access trades or open positions by a tag via API?
    The tag field will not be available in position APIs. So, you need to filter it out from the orderbook response.
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