Postback quantity

joy edited February 2017 in General
If I place an order to buy 1 (one) contract of CRUDEOILM then the I am getting the postback quantity as 'no. of contract(s) * lot_size' which in this case is 10 (ten). Given the instrument call do not provides the lot size information (set to 1 (one)) for mcx instruments we have no way to arrive at the exact order size. As such either provide the necessary information or the anomaly needs to be corrected at your end.

Also the postback lists both the filled_quantity and unfilled_quantity as 0 (zero). Is this expected?

{"order_id":"170221000560378","exchange_order_id":"131705200115392","order_timestamp":"2017-02-21 19:32:48","exchange_timestamp":"21-Feb-2017 19:29:11","status":"CANCELLED","status_message":"","placed_by":"UserId","user_id":"UserId","tradingsymbol":"CRUDEOILM17MARFUT","exchange":"MCX","transaction_type":"BUY","order_type":"LIMIT","quantity":10,"filled_quantity":0,"unfilled_quantity":0,"price":3623,"average_price":0,"trigger_price":0,"product":"NRML","validity":"DAY","tag":"","checksum":"5c6d8f384b58aa1b29ced3abc0a64dff8e4249388779fe72ee3e88b12ab9ff61"}

  • sujith
    You can check brokerage calculator to know about lot to weight map of each commodity contract or you can use margins API which is mentioned in this thread.
  • joy
    @sujith thanks. do you have any api calls for the commodity multiplier map?

    if not, then please add the same to your todo list.
    "ALUMINI": 1000,
    "ALUMINIUM": 5000,
    "BRCRUDEOIL": 100,
    "CARDAMOM": 100,
    "COPPER": 1000,
    "COPPERM": 250,
    "COTTON": 25,
    "CPO": 1000,
    "CRUDEOIL": 100,
    "GOLD": 100,
    "GOLDGUINEA": 1,
    "GOLDM": 10,
    "GOLDPETAL": 1,
    "GOLDPTLDEL": 1,
    "GUARGUM": 1,
    "GUARSEED": 10,
    "KAPAS": 200,
    "KAPASKHALI": 100,
    "LEAD": 5000,
    "LEADMINI": 1000,
    "MENTHAOIL": 360,
    "NATURALGAS": 1250,
    "NICKEL": 250,
    "NICKELM": 100,
    "POTATO": 300,
    "SILVER": 30,
    "SILVER1000": 1,
    "SILVERM": 5,
    "SILVERMIC": 1,
    "STEELRPR": 1,
    "CRUDEOILM": 10,
    "SUGARMKOL": 1,
    "ZINC": 5000,
    "ZINCMINI": 1000,
    "GOLDGLOBAL": 20
  • joy
    @sujith ok, another scenario.

    In the orders call the quantity for mcx contracts are defined by no. of contracts while in the postbacks it is defined as 'no. of contract(s) * lot_size'. This creates an anomaly.

    For example crude oil quantity is 1 (one) via the orders call, while it is 100 (one hundred) in the postbacks.

    Feature request - can be have an uniform quantity size across all calls.
  • sujith
    Hi @joy,
    You are placing the order with quantity in lots and in postbacks, you are getting quantity in weights.
    Your point makes sense, we will release a patch soon.
  • joy
    @sujith thx. much appreciated.
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