Postback for partial fills

The documentation (for postbacks) states
Current status of the order. Most common values or COMPLETE, REJECTED, CANCELLED, and OPEN. There may be other values as well.
I presume by state == OPEN. you are referring to partial fills.

If so, then I am not gettings any postbacks for partial fills. Please find below the postback which I received
{"order_id":"170228000316388","exchange_order_id":"1200000002348165","order_timestamp":"2017-02-28 12:30:13","exchange_timestamp":"28-Feb-2017 12:30:08","status":"COMPLETE","status_message":"","placed_by":"userId","user_id":"userId","tradingsymbol":"RELIANCE","exchange":"NSE","transaction_type":"BUY","order_type":"LIMIT","quantity":10,"filled_quantity":10,"unfilled_quantity":0,"price":1237.65,"average_price":1237.65,"trigger_price":0,"product":"MIS","validity":"DAY","tag":"b01fa622","checksum":"631341ca082ae4736dc9823af15decda8257b5b414791b7cad3f1844ae58edf9"}
while the actual trades are in 2 (two) blocks (quantity 7 & 3 resepctively):
{"product": "MIS", "exchange": "NSE", "order_id": "170228000316388", "exchange_order_id": "1200000002348165", "order_timestamp": "2017-02-28 12:30:08", "trade_id": "51114594", "exchange_timestamp": "2017-02-28 12:30:08", "average_price": 1237.65, "tradingsymbol": "RELIANCE", "transaction_type": "BUY", "instrument_token": 738561, "quantity": 7},
{"product": "MIS", "exchange": "NSE", "order_id": "170228000316388", "exchange_order_id": "1200000002348165", "order_timestamp": "2017-02-28 12:30:13", "trade_id": "51114818", "exchange_timestamp": "2017-02-28 12:30:08", "average_price": 1237.65, "tradingsymbol": "RELIANCE", "transaction_type": "BUY", "instrument_token": 738561, "quantity": 3}
It seems there are no postbacks for the "actual trades". Can you please confirm this. Also please let me know when the postbacks are actually called.
  • sujith
    Hi @joy,
    Postbacks are only sent after an order is completed, rejected or cancelled.
  • joy
    @sujith thx.

    The post backs seems to be a major Achilles heel in the kite api.

    Without the post backs the client app is pretty much blind. Plese add my request for a comprehensive post backs for future enhancements.
  • sujith
    Sure, we will add it.
This discussion has been closed.