Stock price display on page

ravi2312 edited July 2023 in .Net API client
I got the current stock price in console, but how to call current stock price on Page please give me the ideas and suggest me. Kite connection code is in console based application, I want to display all data on page by user input.
  • sujith
    A third party app can't display the data from Kite Connect APIs. You will have to speak to compliance team. You can write to them on kiteconnect(at) with product details.
  • ravi2312
    Sir I want to display data on my web page application, because all data is already display in console, so we can display listed current stock price on page or not ?
  • tahseen
    Then you need to use socket with your web page to update data on the web template in real time. Make use of
  • ravi2312
    okay thank you
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