Error Authorising New App Created Today. Old ones work perfectly fine.

Zoro edited October 2023 in Python client
I am unable to authorize the new app I have created today morning.. I followed a similar thread from a few days before. As mentioned in the comments, I deleted it and re made a new one. Still no resolution. I hope i didn't waste Rs. 4000 in this experiment and hope that i will be refunded for the same. Also, please provide me with a solution, I really need this app to work by today late evening. I have told my company just a few days ago that this is seamless etc etc and now ill have to take back my words. Stakes are high here. Pls help me out with this!!

This is my error that i am getting -
"status": "error",
"message": "Error authorising app. Try re-initiating login.",
"data": null,
"error_type": "GeneralException"
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