Orders placing Query

shikhar_seth edited February 2024 in General
I want to know response format while placing the order
I am using /order:variety as method 'POST'

I am only getting order_id but not status as "success" as mentioned in reference doc.
Want to know if order is pending state due to any reason, will in that we won't get "success".
How can I know my order is placed?
Also do we get order_id in case of rejection status also?
  • sujith
    A 200 status for the order_place means order is placed successfully. It doesn't guarantee execution. Order will go through various in house systems, vendor systems, exchange lease lines, and then exchange.
    Once you get order id, you can fetch orderbook and find order with id and check the filled_quantity and status of the order to know if it is partially filled and check status for completed, canceled, rejected, lapsed, open, trigger_pending.
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