Simultaneous Login Pi/Kite and Kite API


Can we login simultaneously on PI or Kite and Kite API ?, as i was doing some tests thru API by a C# application and logged in to Pi for checking, while keeping logged in to Pi tried a Place Order from the C# application but it returned an error 403

"status": "error",
"message": "Invalid token",
"error_type": "TokenException"

when i looked at the documentation their it says must re-login !,

does it mean that we cannot keep Pi and API simultaneously ?
  • Vivek
    Vivek edited May 2016
    Yes, its not possible to login to both Pi and Kite on same time. We are trying to remove this constrain but I am afraid can't give any specified timeline as of now.
  • Kailash
    You can login to simultaneously though. Pi is not a part of the Kite ecosystem yet.
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