How to get cash and non-cash margin collatoral details using Kite API?`

I could not find any way to get this information which is shown in Kite web ui, anyone know if it's possible to get this information using Kite api? I intend to keep watch if my margin contains sufficient 50% cash/cash-equivalent ratio.

  • MAG
    The kite web UI and the API are two separate things. Just because you see something on the web UI does not mean it will / should be available in the API.

    The API is simple building blocks where you can build any functionality you want.
    In this case, if you can find the formula or logic for the computation, you would need to write your own code to compute these details.
  • techcoze04
    techcoze04 edited April 2024
    I am ready to write my own logic, who will provide the the formula or logic? Is each developer supposed to do R&D to devise his own formula?

    Update: After some analysis found that Kite api does have native provision to provide such cash/non-cash collatoral details, and kite UI uses same api. Just that zerodha have not made this attribute available in java sdk.
  • sujith
    We have included all the required fields in the funds POJO of javakiteconnect. You may refer to this thread once, if something is missing. We can include in the next update of javakiteconnect.
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