error:DataException:Error parsing response (kt-oms) for order placement

Many clients got this error for order placement.

error:DataException:Error parsing response (kt-oms).

A retry of order placement with the same parameters worked and orders got executed.
  • KamalChhirang
    Same, I got these two errors 100+ times today
    {'status': 'error', 'message': 'Error parsing response (kt-oms).', 'data': None, 'error_type': 'DataException'}
    {"status":"error","message":"Error parsing response (kt-oms).","data":null,"error_type":"DataException"}
    Also got, timed out error 100+ times today
    {'status': 'error', 'message': 'Order request timed out. Please check the order book and confirm before placing again.', 'data': None, 'error_type': 'NetworkException'}
    HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Read timed out. (read timeout=0.4)
  • sujith
    We have informed the team to take a look at this.
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