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Symbol Time Price Qty Total Qty
RELIANCE NSE 09:02:22 126045 5 1519
RELIANCE NSE 09:02:23 126045 5 1515 1
RELIANCE NSE 09:05:50 126045 5 21002
RELIANCE NSE 09:05:51 126045 5 21002
RELIANCE NSE 09:05:52 126045 5 21002
RELIANCE NSE 09:05:53 126045 5 21202
RELIANCE NSE 09:05:56 126045 5 6229
RELIANCE NSE 09:05:57 126045 5 4545
RELIANCE NSE 09:05:58 126045 5 4545
RELIANCE NSE 09:05:59 126045 5 4594
RELIANCE NSE 09:06:00 126045 5 4591
RELIANCE NSE 09:06:02 126045 5 4191
RELIANCE NSE 09:06:04 126045 5 4124
RELIANCE NSE 09:06:05 126045 5 4060
RELIANCE NSE 09:06:06 126045 5 4060
We will check and get back to you.
Can you let us know what client you are using for parsing ticks?
Note, I am witnessing this behavior in pre-open only. Things are working flawlessly in normal market.
@gully yes, I am getting ticks from 9:00AM - 9:07AM for nse cash. Didnt check bse cash though.
Pre-market ticks are available in websockets.
Above values are correct. The volume you see before 9:08 AM are the indicative volume which is based on demand and supply.
During the pre-market session, in the first 7 to 8 min order collection happens. Order matching happens in between 9:07 AM to 9:08 AM. So in pre-market session trades are actually not happening, the actual volume can be seen only after 9:08 AM.
That's bad news as this behavior sends things haywire given there are no other parameters (like time etc) with which we can compare.
Do not want to hardcode the timings as things will break during special trading sessions (like muhrat trading). Is there any api call which will let us know the normal market timings (like when the pre-open happens, when normal market opens/closes etc).
We don't have any API for market timings.
If possible please add this request in your list of future enhancement.
We will add it to our list.