instrument id for bank nify options

hello , can anyone please tell me how to get instrument id for bank-nifty options contract , for example i want to get instrument id(instrument_tokens) for bank-nifty 16th July 50500CE.

mainly i need instrument_tokens for CE options to get real-time data from websockets
  • rakeshr
    can anyone please tell me how to get instrument id for bank-nifty options contract
    You need to use the instruments list.
  • mbisht
    mbisht edited June 25
    thanks @rakeshr , I was trying to get instrument id for un-expired options contract for bank-nifty , please suggest.

    mainly i m trying to get "at the money" contract of bank-nifty , but i noticed only through websocket i can get real-time price but they are tie to instrument id. the api you suggested its for all instrument
  • MAG
    You have to get the latest instrumentlist and then write your own logic/code to filter through the instrument list and extract the data you need. There are no ready made shortcuts available.
    For filtering the data you can either use a programming language or use a visual tool like excel.
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