Data missing in Websocket to as long as 600 seconds.

lalitnmudgal edited June 2024 in Python client
Hi! I started using websocket to receive data of NSE equities. It works fine most of the time. Usually the lag is between 500 to 2000 ms. But, when lagging starts in data receiving it goes as high as 300 to 600 seconds (6x10^5 ms). I am calculating the lag between my machine time and exchange_timestamp. Once in 2 days or once everyday, this problem occurs. In such case, I close websocket connection and make new one. Sometime, it fixes the issue but sometime, the lag continues. There is no problem at my end with respect to internet speed or connection. Most recent occurrence of this event are today (21 Jun) morning from 10:32 to 10:37.

Can you suggest a fix to this problem? Did this happened specific to me or throughout Zerodha websocket connections?
  • sujith
    We don't see any issue at our end.
    The same Websocket API is used by all our apps including client facing ones and internal ones. It is also used by more than 10 thousand live Kite Connect apps.
    You need to make sure you are not blocking the thread that is receveing the ticks.
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