Alerts page modifications

1. When any alert is triggered, app notification can contain more information. Also, clicking on it should open the triggered alert not the alert tab.

2. From alert tab, we should be able to open the trend chart of the triggered stock. Presently, the UX is not optimised and requires me to go back to search the stock. Which is very time consuming

3. Sorting mechanism to see alerts which are closer to the trigger value so that managing them can be easier

4. A default alert name can be set for those who do not want to type in every time

5. Duplicate alerts can be prompted to reduce clutter

6. Alphabetical sorting doesn't work properly

7. Allow more number of alerts to be set as 200 is very less, considering one stock usually has multiple alerts
  • sujith
    This forum is dedicated only for Kite Connect related queries. You can write feedback on support portal for other platform related queries.
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