Incorrect token in instruments dump for certain symbols.

Hi , I am getting dumps of instruments like this

const options = {
hostname: "",
path: "/instruments",
headers: {
"X-Kite-Version": "3",
Authorization: `token ${api_key}:${access_token}`,

I am getting the dump correctly , but few symbols tokens are incorrect for example see this


For dnamedia NSE in api its giving me token of 165121 , but in zerodha its 164097 .. Its happening to many symbols .

  • sujith
    When an instrument is moved to T2T segment by the exchange it will be assigned a new instrument token.
    You can know more about it here.
  • vishnux
    Yea , but why its not reflecting in kite dump.. its showing old token on the kite instrument dump.
  • sujith
    The instruments master file is generated every day. Are you sure you are using the latest one?
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