I have connected the websocket at 9:14 AM. But it got disconnected. When I connect at 9:15 it works. Because of this I missed some ticks. I am attaching the code.
In the below code, the sleeps till 9:14 AM and then perform the connection with websocket. After connection It subscribe the instrument tokens which i have in a csv file present at path1. At 9:15 it gives the error 1006. The same code executes correctly without any error if I execute the code at or after 9:15 AM.
def on_connect(ws, response): global path1, path2 print('Code Started') token=pd.read_csv(path1) instrument_tokens=list(token['instrument_token']) ws.subscribe(instrument_tokens) # Set tick in `full` mode. ws.set_mode(ws.MODE_FULL,instrument_tokens)
m=(9-datetime.now().hour)*3600+(14-datetime.now().minute)*60-datetime.now().second if m>0: time.sleep(m)
I am getting this error from on_ticks function before 9:15AM. But after 9:15 AM I am not getting this error.