Data discrepancy for "Exchange(NSE/BSE)" in Place Order and Holdings API

While placing the orders through Zerodha’s place order API, we are passing exchange value as ‘NSE’. But while fetching the portfolio details of the user from Holidng API, we are getting exchange value as ‘BSE’ in response.
This is causing an issue at our end because we are not able to validate the exchange+token combination of an individual stock.
Request you to help me understand why there is a difference in exchange values and in which scenario this might occur.

Stocks purchased - MMTX and GMRINFRA
Exchange - NSE

Screenshot for reference:

Holding API response:

"tradingsymbol": "GMRINFRA",
"exchange": "BSE",
"instrument_token": 136385028,
"isin": "INE776C01039",
"product": "CNC",
"price": 0,
"quantity": 8,
"used_quantity": 0,
"t1_quantity": 0,
"realised_quantity": 8,
"authorised_quantity": 0,
"authorised_date": "2024-12-09 00:00:00",
"authorisation": {},
"opening_quantity": 8,
"short_quantity": 0,
"collateral_quantity": 0,
"discrepancy": false,
"average_price": 83.9,
"last_price": 86.76,
"close_price": 84.53,
"pnl": 22.879999999999995,
"day_change": 2.230000000000004,
"day_change_percentage": 2.638116644978119,
"mtf": {
"quantity": 0,
"used_quantity": 0,
"average_price": 0,
"value": 0,
"initial_margin": 0
"tradingsymbol": "MMTC",
"exchange": "BSE",
"instrument_token": 131424516,
"isin": "INE123F01029",
"product": "CNC",
"price": 0,
"quantity": 4,
"used_quantity": 0,
"t1_quantity": 0,
"realised_quantity": 4,
"authorised_quantity": 0,
"authorised_date": "2024-12-09 00:00:00",
"authorisation": {},
"opening_quantity": 4,
"short_quantity": 0,
"collateral_quantity": 0,
"discrepancy": false,
"average_price": 79.99,
"last_price": 82.12,
"close_price": 83.89,
"pnl": 8.520000000000039,
"day_change": -1.769999999999996,
"day_change_percentage": -2.109905829061862,
"mtf": {
"quantity": 0,
"used_quantity": 0,
"average_price": 0,
"value": 0,
"initial_margin": 0

  • sujith
    A holding in your DEMAT has no relation with any of the exchanges. You can know more about it here.
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