Tags while placing Orders

In place order API I am providing an Alphanumeric tag for eg: "493910-AK41298" of length max 16. As given in the documentation tag can be of max 20 chars.
But while placing ordering I am receiving the below response: {"status":"error","message":"`tag` should be max 8 characters","data":null,"error_type":"InputException"}

  • Sravanthi_bh
    You may refer the similar discussion here
  • sujith
    It should be only alphanumeric characters and length limit is still 20 characters.
    We will update the error message which is misleading.
  • DollyBonde
    @Sravanthi_bh I even tried what was discussed with custom tag. I still faced the same error.

    Sample HTML

    document.getElementById("basket").value = '[{"tradingsymbol":"SILVERBEES","exchange":"NSE","transaction_type":"BUY","quantity":1,"readonly":true,"variety":"regular","order_type":"MARKET","tag":"my_custom_tag"},{"tradingsymbol":"GOLDBEES","exchange":"NSE","transaction_type":"BUY","quantity":1,"readonly":true,"variety":"regular","order_type":"MARKET","tag":"492310-AK42198"}]';

    Response Received:

    {"status":"error","message":"`tag` should be max 8 characters","data":null,"error_type":"InputException"}
  • sujith
    Is this Kite Publisher or Kite Connect API?
  • DollyBonde
    @sujith This is issue is for Kite publisher API
  • sujith
    It seems like Kite Publisher has a hard limit for 8 characters. You will have to keep your tag within that limit.
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