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07Apr17 10:41:11 : KiteViewModel.ParseResponse : OrderId = {"status": "success", "data": {"order_id": "170407000244566"}}However when I refreshed the orders (via the Orders call) it seems the order was rejected.
{"exchange_order_id": null, "disclosed_quantity": 0, "market_protection": 0, "tradingsymbol": "SBIN-N5", "tag": "0d4fb8a4", "order_type": "LIMIT", "trigger_price": 0, "cancelled_quantity": 0, "instrument_token": 1, "status_message": "error user/user_target not logged in", "status": "REJECTED", "product": "CNC", "exchange": "NSE", "order_id": "170407000244566", "price": 11379, "pending_quantity": 0, "validity": "DAY", "placed_by": "xxxxx", "order_timestamp": "2017-04-07 10:41:19", "parent_order_id": null, "exchange_timestamp": null, "average_price": 0, "variety": "regular", "transaction_type": "SELL", "filled_quantity": 0, "quantity": 10}ideally when disconnected, shouldnt the api response throw an exception while placing the order itself.
In this scenario, OMS didn't notify us that user has logged out.
So in Kite, you are logged in and while placing order internally OMS checks and rejects the order.
We will fix it in future.
For now, I would suggest using the kite for monitoring purpose instead of NEST.