Automated login in Kite Connect

Hi, I want to run my Kite connect Application automatically. Just for a scenario, lets say client is not near computer at 9:00 am and want to start it and do a few things to keep him updated. In that mode I do not want application to run in GUI mode, it will be console mode.

For this I am following the first 302 redirect and get the login url. Now three tasks remain:
  1. Enter login and password
  2. Get redirected we get 2FA
  3. Enter 2FA and the program is good to go as usual
I receive first 302 URL in the format:

The question is:
  1. How do I enter login_id and password: as authentication header, or make a new Get or Post query?
  2. If it is get or post what should be the query structure?
  3. Similarly what will be required for 2FA get or post and structure?
This automation can be easily done in GUI mode, but for security purpose I do not want it to run in GUI mode.

Thank You
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