Google App engine for Python app development and redirecting url

Can I use Google App engine for Python app development and use that as redirect url to get the access token?
  • Vivek
    @pytrader Yeah you can do that, Implementation is up to you and we don't have any restrictions.
  • pytrader
    So will I be able to automatically pull the access token from the app created to my Python Spyder platform on my laptop. So that I can fire orders from the Spyder using the KITE API??
  • Kailash
    That should be possible.
  • pytrader
    Okay...I have created a web app...I guess the next step would be to create a Kite connect App. However, can I change the "redirect url" later if that does not work (after I have subscribed kite connect app)?
  • Kailash
    Yep, you can change it any time.
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