api to get open, high, low and close price of a symbol


Is there any api to get OPEN, HIGH, LOW and LAST CLOSED price of a symbol?
Also can we get offer orders&quantity and bid orders&quantity (i.e., buy/sell orders&quantity) of symbol at that moment?

Thank you,
  • sujith
    Hi @madan,
    Can you be more specific, are you looking for minute OHLC or day's OHLC?
  • sujith
    Also can we get offer orders&quantity and bid orders&quantity (i.e., buy/sell orders&quantity) of symbol at that moment?
    For live market data, check out websockets API documentation here.
  • madan
    Can you be more specific, are you looking for minute OHLC or day's OHLC?
    day's OHLC
  • sujith
    You can check out websockets API.
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