Is there any alternative to get notifications other than Postback URL?

Is there any alternative to get notifications other than Postback URL? Because Postback URL needs public IP.
  • sujith
    Hi @syamkiranv,
    As of now, postbacks are the only way to get notifications. In next version of WebSockets API, we will add sending notifications via WebSockets.
  • syamkiranv
    Hi @sujith ,
    Can you please let me know the estimated timelines for next version of WebSockets API so that it will help me in designing my implementation.
  • sujith
    Hi @syamkiranv,
    We can't give you any timeline as of now since we are working on revamp of core APIs and we have frozen working on new features till it is released. You can check out this thread for details about our roadmap.
    The new version of WebSockets may take more than one or two months.
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