{"status": "error", "message": "Invalid session credentials", "error_type": "TokenException"}

hi when I curl the access token post request from command line i get {"status": "error", "message": "Invalid session credentials", "error_type": "TokenException"}

why is it so??

I am not able to fire post request from localhost kindly provide how to format request so that kite handles
  • Kailash
    Are you computing the SHA-256 checksum using your api_key, request_token, and secret? The error happens when the checksum is wrong or you're passing an invalid parameter while trying to get the access_token.

    Please try using the official Python or PHP client libraries that abstract all of this away.
  • amoldadas
    I am using following code to create checksum of (api_key, request_token, secret) in java and getting same error message, can you please guide me if it is wrong?

    org.apache.commons.codec.digest.DigestUtils.sha256Hex(API_KEY+"my request_token"+API_SECRET)

  • sujith
    You don't have to encode. It is done by javakiteconnect already, you just need to call requestAccessToken
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