order_modify error

puneetbijnor4020 edited September 2017 in Python client
in order_modify method there is error in bo and co order:
the method is not sending tradingsymbol and exchange parameter for bo and co order to api endpoint
which is resulting in internal server error.It should be like this:
if variety.lower() == "bo" and product.lower() == "bo":
return self._put("orders.modify", {
"order_id": order_id,
"quantity": quantity,
"price": price,
"trigger_price": trigger_price,
"disclosed_quantity": disclosed_quantity,
"variety": variety,
"parent_order_id": parent_order_id
elif variety.lower() == "co" and product.lower() == "co":
return self._put("orders.modify", {
"order_id": order_id,
"trigger_price": trigger_price,
"variety": variety,
"parent_order_id": parent_order_id
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