I am new to this website can anyone explain how this website can be useful to me

1) I have a trading account with zerodha and I want to know what is API and Developer and how it is useful to me as a trader.
2) I have some strategies in mind and I want to back test them and want to implement a strategy and I want to trade this strategy automatically with my intervention, is this website helpful to me in my requirement.
  • Vivek
    Please check - https://kite.trade/

    What is it for?

    Programmatic trading and account access—you can use Kite Connect APIs to place and manage real orders across various segments, pull your positions and holdings, analyse live market prices and much more. It is meant for developers who want to trade programmatically without being bound to a trading platform UI.

    The APIs are simple to understand, REST-like HTTP/JSON APIs that you can use with your favorite programming language, or even just the command line.


    As an individual trader, you are confined to the trading platform your broker gives you. You have no direct access over your own data or your own trading experience, both of which are dictated entirely by the broker's platform. In addition, brokers may not have the technological prowess to keep up with cutting edge innovations in software, leaving you in a limbo.

    With Kite Connect APIs, you get true freedom and control over your data and the trading experience, both of which you are rightly entitled to.
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