Error which placing order

I am calling the order API and getting the following error. I am sending a NRML order

response is {"status":"error","message":"Not a valid Product Code","error_type":"OrderException"}
  • dhavalp
    curl \
    -d "api_key=xxxx" \
    -d "access_token=ixxxx" \
    -d "tradingsymbol=ADANIPOWER" \
    -d "exchange=NSE" \
    -d "transaction_type=BUY" \
    -d "order_type=LIMIT" \
    -d "quantity=21584" \
    -d "product=NRML" \
    -d "price=29.8" \
    -d "validity=DAY"
  • Vivek
    @dhavalp Valid product code equity scrips are CNC and MIS. Please try again with product code CNC.
  • dhavalp
    OK so for equity the code is CNC and for FUT its NRML?
  • nithin
    From FAQ

    Margin/Leverage Policy and product types

    Equity delivery based trading (CNC: Cash n Carry)
    100% money required upfront. Use the product type CNC in your buy/sell order form. We are coming up with Margin Funding soon.

    Normal F&O Trades (NRML: Normal)
    Exchange stipulated margins, positions taken as NRML can be held until expiry.

    Intraday leverage Trade (MIS: Margin Intraday squareoff)
    Trade using MIS if you want leverage or additional margin. All MIS positions are squared off automatically 10 to 15 minutes before close of the markets.
    Up to 10 times intraday leverage for equity
    Up to 3 times for Futures (over and above the margin you get anyways on futures)
    Up to 3 times for option shorting
    No leverage for option buying. (You can use bracket orders for additional leverage only for buying Nifty and Bank nifty options)

    All queries on margins answered here:

    India's first SPAN calculator to know your margins for short options and multiple F&O positions:
  • dhavalp
    Hi Nithin

    Thanks for the reply. I did follow the FAQ's and even now when I place an order I get {"status"=>"error", "message"=>"Not a valid Product Code", "error_type"=>"OrderException"}. I changed by product to CNC from NRML. This is an EQ order request I am sending.

    curl \
    -d "api_key=xxxx" \
    -d "access_token=ixxxx" \
    -d "tradingsymbol=ADANIPOWER" \
    -d "exchange=NSE" \
    -d "transaction_type=BUY" \
    -d "order_type=LIMIT" \
    -d "quantity=21584" \
    -d "product=CNC" \
    -d "price=29.8" \
    -d "validity=DAY"

    Let me know if there is anything wrong I am doing.

  • dhavalp
    Hi Nithin

    Thanks for the reply. Somehow when I post a message it says it will be displayed after approval dont know why. I did read the FAQ's and on that basis I am passing CNC in the order request but still getting the same error.

    {"status"=>"error", "message"=>"Not a valid Product Code", "error_type"=>"OrderException"}

    Below is the request I am making
    curl \
    -d "api_key=xxxx" \
    -d "access_token=ixxxx" \
    -d "tradingsymbol=ADANIPOWER" \
    -d "exchange=NSE" \
    -d "transaction_type=BUY" \
    -d "order_type=LIMIT" \
    -d "quantity=21584" \
    -d "product=CNC" \
    -d "price=29.8" \
    -d "validity=DAY"
  • dhavalp
    Hi Nithin

    Thanks for the reply. Somehow when I post a message it says it will be displayed after approval dont know why. I did read the FAQ's and on that basis I am passing CNC in the order request but still getting the same error.

    {"status"=>"error", "message"=>"Not a valid Product Code", "error_type"=>"OrderException"}

    Below is the request I am making
    curl \
    -d "api_key=xxxx" \
    -d "access_token=ixxxx" \
    -d "tradingsymbol=ADANIPOWER" \
    -d "exchange=NSE" \
    -d "transaction_type=BUY" \
    -d "order_type=LIMIT" \
    -d "quantity=21584" \
    -d "product=CNC" \
    -d "price=29.8" \
    -d "validity=DAY"
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