Problem in Putting 'Market' order

KUL edited June 2016 in General
When ever i am placing 'Market' order for BSE stock, it executes as 'Limit' order in your webPage.
  • Kailash
    @KUL Can you post the request params you are sending?
  • KUL
    "tradingsymbol": "KRYPTONQ",

    "transaction_type": "BUY",

    "order_type": "MARKET",

    "product": "CNC",

    "quantity" :1,



    "validity": "Day",


    "exchange": "BSE"
  • Kailash
    Are you referring to the Publisher basket or a Connect order call?
  • KUL
    we are using offsite order execution so it should be publisher basket.
  • Vivek
    @KUL We couldn't reproduce the issue in our end. Here is an example which we used to test
    <!-- Form example -->
    <form action="" method="post">
    <input type="hidden" value="kitedemo" name="api_key">
    <input type="hidden" value="The Airline Growth Bundle" name="title">
    <input type="hidden" value='[{"tradingsymbol": "KRYPTONQ", "order_type": "MARKET", "trigger_price": 0, "disclosed_quantity": 0, "price": 0, "quantity": 10, "exchange": "BSE", "product": "CNC", "validity": "DAY", "transaction_type": "BUY"}]' name="data">
    <input type="submit" value="Basket form">

    <!-- Javascript plugin -->
    <div id="branded-trade-button"></div>
    <script src=""></script>
    KiteConnect.ready(function() {
    // Initialize a new Kite instance. You can initialize multiple instances if you need.
    var kite = new KiteConnect("kitedemo");

    // Add a stock to the basket
    "exchange": "BSE",
    "tradingsymbol": "KRYPTONQ",
    "quantity": 5,
    "transaction_type": "BUY",
    "order_type": "MARKET",
    "product": "MIS"
    // Render the in-built button inside a given target
  • KUL
    I am still getting the same problem , So for that I have taken the screen short , Please go through it. In first image I have place BSE order as 'Market' and it's status is 'COMPLETE' and in second image , when i fetch order detail its type is 'Limit' .

  • Vivek
    @KUL Can you share the code? I have checked again and it seems to be fine from our end.
  • KUL
    KUL edited June 2016
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <`html lang="en" xmlns="">
    <`meta charset="utf-8" />
    <`form method="post" id="basket-form" action="">
    <`input type="hidden" name="api_key" value="**********" />
    <`input type="hidden" id="basket" name="data" value="" />
    document.getElementById("basket").value = '[{"tradingsymbol": "AADHAARVEN","transaction_type": "BUY","order_type": "MARKET","product": "CNC","quantity" :1,"price":0,"trigger_price":0,"validity": "Day","disclosed_quantity":0,"exchange": "BSE"}]';
  • Vivek
    @KUL We have market protection in place for all market orders. So all market orders are essentially limit orders placed 20% higher in case of buying and 20% lower in case of selling. Hence if you are looking either SL-M or even market entry orders, you will see them as limit orders.
    This was done because of many fat finger trades by traders on illiquid contracts causing big losses.
  • KUL
    we dont face same kind of issue for same scrip in NSE.
    It is happening for BSE only and that too for highly traded scrips also.
  • Kailash
    @KUL This query has already been answered here and elsewhere --

    What are the BSE instruments you're referring to? Either way, we're not going to be able to amend market protection parameters.
This discussion has been closed.