Why the order took such long time to reach exchange?

Sowmay edited November 2017 in General

I shoot an order request to Kite Connect API endpoints at exactly 09:00:01. Although, the order was reached to exchange at 09:00:23.

Why the delay of 22 seconds?

And order time (when API register the request) is more than the exchange time (when exchange registers the request). How is it possible? First, API will get the request and then exchange.

And how can we interpret order time? Is it the time when the order was executed?
  • sujith
    Exchange lines have a certain limit on the number of orders that can be sent to the exchange. During this time there will be thousands of AMOs that are being placed. Hence it will take some time to reach exchange as your order will sit in the queue.
    In this case, time really doesn't matter because till 9:07 AM order collection happens at the exchange.
    Order matching may happen in between 9:07 to 9:08 which will be the first trade of the day.

    Order time keeps updating, in this scenario it is the executed timestamp.
  • Sowmay
    I thought AMOs are sent after 10 AM, isn't it?
  • sujith
    All equity AMOs are placed at 9:00 AM.
    If it is sent at 10:00 AM then it defies the whole point why one would place after market order isn't it.
  • Sowmay
    Oh! A circular was aired this year: https://zerodha.com/marketintel/Bulletin/316

    Got it.

    Anyway, what is the time range for placing AMOs on the previous day?

    6:30 PM (prev day) to 9:15 (next day). Was there any change?
  • sujith
    You can check out this thread.
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