BO is throwing error

vikasnitk85 edited December 2017 in Python client
I have used this code to place the bracket order, but it gives me error "GeneralException: Route not found"

kite.order_place(tradingsymbol="SBIN", exchange="NSE", quantity=1, price=300, squareoff_value=2, stoploss_value=2, variety="BO", transaction_type="BUY", order_type="LIMIT", product="MIS", validity="IOC")

i even tried to change the case of variety and it gives me new error "DataException: Invalid response from OMS"

kite.order_place(tradingsymbol="SBIN", exchange="NSE", quantity=1, price=300, squareoff_value=2, stoploss_value=2, variety="BO", transaction_type="BUY", order_type="LIMIT", product="MIS", validity="IOC")

I even tried to change the the validity to day, but no luck. Could you guys, please help me in resolving this issue.
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