Getting "Invalid API credentials" when trying to collect historical data

While trying to get historical data, I am getting this error.
"status": "error",
"error_type": "TokenException",
"message": "Invalid API credentials"

The interesting part is that, even I am getting data through web-socket. If the credentials are invalid then how am I getting the data trough the socket.
I am not even giving enough time for the session to expire, I just start the project and try to hit the API.

Please help me out, I am stuck.

  • tonystark
    @neil1422 Is your historical API subscription active?
  • neil1422
    I guess historical data was previously a part of the normal subscription. You have now started to charge separately for that too. Hmmmm, cool, seems like I got my problem. Its money. :P

    Thanks for you help.
  • sujith
    Historical data has always been a part of add-on subscription since 2015 (the day Kite Connect was launched).
    If you had looked at developers console ever then you would have known.
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