Kite.GetOrders() throwing ParseException Error. Unable to parse the response.


I'm using the latest official kIte connect API (.NET) for trading successfully for past few weeks without any errors. Since, today morning I'm getting an error when my program tries to fetch the OrderBook through Kite.GetOrders() Method. It throws ParseException error with the message "Unable to parse the response. Use ResponseData property to get original response". When I try to catch the error through Try..Catch..EndTry and see the response data, it contains a Dictionary of (String,Object) of the first order in the order book which throws the exception. (See the response data image attached)(Client ID has been removed). Also when I set the Kite instance with (Debug:=True) option, the console shows that the orderbook json response is successfully received by the system. It seems that the response structure received causes the KiteConnect API to throw the ParseException error and is not able to properly parse it. This is unusual as I have not changed anything in my program and it has been performing error free till now.

Please advise. Thanks.
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