Hi - I'm on Anaconda (Windows 10), looking to migrate to kiteconnect v 3.0. I uninstall previous package (pip uninstall kiteconnect) and install the new version (pip install git+https://github.com/zerodhatech/pykiteconnect.git#kite3)
The new installation happens smoothly and conda list shows kiteconnect version as 3.6.2
However, this still appears to be the older version, because I'm unable to import KiteTracker (get the typical - does not exist error) and neither can I access new class variables for transaction type, exchange, product type etc. (the same 'does not exist' error).
What could I be doing wrong? Is 3.6.2 the latest package? Any other changes that I need to make?
There was some error in pip install. We have fixed it. You can check out new instructions for usage here.