Regarding bracket orders

Guhan edited January 2018 in General
to exit a BO order in Kite 3.0 order_id and parent_id has to be mentioned in exit_order method?, if so then each time to cancel a BO order, child - order_id and parent_id has be fetched from order_book?
  • Guhan
    Also I have one more question, what are the order_book status for partially filled orders. If someone gives all the order book status it will be helpful
  • Guhan
    Also in WebSocket on_order_update doesn't provide data regarding the second-leg orders that gets created on successful completion of first leg BO order
  • sujith
    You can check out this thread to know about different order status.
    Yes, you need to fetch order_id and parent_order_id of the same to exit bracket order.
    The order status for the partially filled order will be OPEN.
    You will only receive the executed order details, you need to fetch order id and search for orders with parent order id same as this.
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