Query regarding historical data

Can I get three minute candle historical data using below function?

public void getHistoricalData(KiteConnect kiteConnect) throws KiteException {
/** Get historical data dump, requires from and to date, intrument token, interval
* returns historical data object which will have list of historical data inside the object*/
Map param8 = new HashMap(){
put("continuous", 0);
put("from", "2017-10-09 15:00:00");
put("to", "2017-10-09 15:03:00");
HistoricalData historicalData = kiteConnect.getHistoricalData(param8, "256265", "3minute");
System.out.println(historicalData.dataArrayList.get(historicalData.dataArrayList.size() - 1).volume);

  • sujith
    Hi @hiralzala,
    The code seems fine.
    You need an active historical data subscription to access this.
  • sujith
    If you have just started, don't use this. The old APIs are being deprecated. You need to use Kite Connect 3 APIs.
    Check out kite3 branch on javakiteconnect repository.
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