I am getting GeneralException while trying to place offsite order request. A sample post data is api_key=7wu********an&data=[{"quantity":"1","disclosed_quantity":"1","transaction_type":"BUY","tradingsymbol":"SBIN","exchange":"NSE","validity":"DAY","order_type":"MARKET","product":"CNC"}]
I am encoding POST data in BASE64 (Tried UTF-8, same result)
I removed the encodings and now I get a ForbiddenException. The error says "Invalid API credential", but I am passing the api_key right and the same api key is working fine for retrieving orders. Do I need to send anything more?
"error_type": "GeneralExcepetion",
"message": "Unknown error",
"status": "error"
My Kite App is set to Kite Connect+Publisher, why is this thing happening?