Not able to modify or cancel order using API 3.0

prashanth100 edited February 2018 in PHP client
API - 3.0
Language - PHP

For cancelling order, I m using following statement.
$kite->cancelOrder('regular', '180206001286329');

And for Modifying
$kite->modifyOrder('regular', '180206001283115', [
"tradingsymbol" => "IDBI",
"quantity" => 1,
"price" => "55",
"order_type" => "LIMIT",
"exchange" => "NSE",
"product" => "CNC",
"transaction_type" => "BUY",
"validity" => "DAY"

In both the cases, I m getting following error.
Fatal error: Uncaught GeneralException (405) 'Request method not allowed'

thrown in C:\xampp\htdocs\kiteconnect\kiteconnect.php on line 898

Could you please suggest, how to resolve this problem?
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