how to best use streaming data?

archulysses edited February 2018 in General
Hi @sujith @vivek @tonystark
I want to work with full quote data for 500 instruments streaming from web socket. and the strategy will require having 20 to 25 minutes of previous data(full quote). How can I go about it?

1. Is there a way to perform operations on the stream(I am using python client) and then place orders as and when certain conditions are met for respective instruments(or CE/PE for those instruments).

2. should I learn about databases and transfer the stream to them then perform the requisite calculations.

3. Also which database will be most suited for the type of strategies which needs only last 20-30 minute of data but for high no of instruments. POSTGRE, SQL, MANGODB, HADOOP.

4. If anyone is having similar trading strategies please add other info of value as I am quite new to this stuff.
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