wrong TIME from kiteTicker. PLEASE HELP!!!.

ajy edited April 2018 in General
please see the screenshot. Kiteticker giving the same wrong timestamp for every tick. why just me getting the wrong time. i am getting the same hours :minutes for all the ticks through out the day and for number of days. by the way i am using nodejs official client api
  • sujith
    It seems fine from our end. I think you need to check your system time and timezone.
  • ajy
    can u please guide me in some direction. my system time is correct as shown in the image. it is set to automatically sync with the internet. how can the value change once it is broadcasted from your server to mine? could it be that my node or node http server not intepret it and display the same time everytime.
  • ajy
    the problem is solved. you can close it.
    the problem is with JSON.stringify(tick) does not convert ISO datetime format properly. so in the code shown in the image i commented it. now the output is proper. Yes sujith the timestamps are broadasted properly. Thanks.

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