Hello Sir, I have cloned kiteconnect from Git-Hub. I am successfully able to run the test.java, but stuck in a way between. Please find my couple of queries below:
1. What is the api_key and what we need to provide. I tried with "123456" but I am getting - url = https://kite.trade/connect/login?api_key=123456&v=3 - Error message as follows in postman tool with this url { "status": "error", "message": "Invalid `api_key`", "data": null, "error_type": "InputException" }
So what should be valid url for login with respect to api-key
2. What is request token & how do I generate this ? - Also tell me about accessToken & publicToken
3. I am trying to automate my strategy. In this case, shall I get all APIs free to testing purpose or I will have to pay for those.
Hi, We don't have the sandbox environment. You need to subscribe in order to use APIs as of now. You need to sign up and create a Kite Connect app here. You can check out documenation here to get started.
We don't have the sandbox environment. You need to subscribe in order to use APIs as of now.
You need to sign up and create a Kite Connect app here.
You can check out documenation here to get started.