API Key & APIs for Automated trading

Hello Sir,
I have cloned kiteconnect from Git-Hub. I am successfully able to run the test.java, but stuck in a way between. Please find my couple of queries below:

1. What is the api_key and what we need to provide. I tried with "123456" but I am getting
- url = https://kite.trade/connect/login?api_key=123456&v=3
- Error message as follows in postman tool with this url
"status": "error",
"message": "Invalid `api_key`",
"data": null,
"error_type": "InputException"

So what should be valid url for login with respect to api-key

2. What is request token & how do I generate this ?
- Also tell me about accessToken & publicToken

3. I am trying to automate my strategy. In this case, shall I get all APIs free to testing purpose or I will have to pay for those.

Thanks in advanced.
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