Websocket on_message response is {"t": 10}. What does this mean?

I'm trying out the postback using websockets and when there is no postback, a "\x00" null byte tyoe is returned.
I'm placing an order I know will be rejected just to try out the postback response. The JSON I'm receiving using the on_message callback is
{"t": 10}
What does this mean? It doesn't fit the structure specified in the documentation. Is there anything I'm doing wrong?
  • sujith
    Can you let us know the endpoint you are connecting to and version of pykiteconnect?
  • abhi95
    I'm using version kiteconnect version 3.6.2
    I'm instantiating a Websocket after importing it from the kiteconnect library for my userID. It connects fine and a websocket is generated.
    I've defined an on_message method which I've assigned to the on_message variable within the Websocket.
    When I issue an order, all I get as a JSON is:-
    {"t": 10}

    The entire app is currently on my laptop and is under development. I don't understand how any endpoint should matter in this scenario. The python library should take care of connecting to zerodha and as far as the websocket is concerned, it is being instantiated successfully.
    Please let me know if I'm missing something or I've understood the whole process in a wrong way in which case I will provide any information necessary.

    Thank you :smile:
  • sujith
    You seem to be using an old version of pykiteconnect, you need to use
    pip install kiteconnect --upgrade --pre
    to install the latest version of pykiteconnect.
  • sujith
    We are soon going to deprecate older versions.
  • zartimus
    @abhi95 Can you update your kiteconnect installation to 3.7.b10? Also post the code
  • abhi95
    Upgrading the version fixed everything. Thank you so much. Looks like I overlooked something very basic. Sorry for wasting your time and I appreciate the support :smile:
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