Console App

kilroy edited May 2018 in General
So what I'm after is creating a simple console application and subscribe to the websockets stream and record some data (and maybe later do some trading as well, who knows).
This means I don't want any user interaction at all.

It this possible with the kite connect api?
Because as I understand the login flow, it involves getting the request token which can only be obtained by visiting the login url, authenticating, and then grabbing the token from the redirected url.
But in my case, all that is not possible. So is this kind of api access possible with kite connect 3.0?

PS: I tried searching about this, but couldn't find any concrete info. Please excuse if this has been already answered before.
  • kilroy
    kilroy edited May 2018
    Okay, maybe I was too hasty and jumped the gun.

    After more searching, I've now realized that this limitation is due to exchange regulations, which prohibit fully automated trading. Hence, some sort of user interaction is required.


    PS: Maybe there should be some pinned thread about this in the forum or some sort of info in the documentation.
  • sujith
    Sure, we will update the documentation with FAQs.
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