The new Kite Publisher has a strict check for the number. If it is working for you then you don't need to make any changes. If it is broken then you need to make sure you send price and other fields as the number and not string.
Thanks sir , I need another help can you give me a sample/example of following -> curl "" \ -H "X-Kite-Version: 3" \ -H "Authorization: token api_key:access_token" also can you explain me what is "token" in this case
If it is broken then you need to make sure you send price and other fields as the number and not string.
curl "" \
-H "X-Kite-Version: 3" \
-H "Authorization: token api_key:access_token"
also can you explain me what is "token" in this case
The Authorization: token are labels here and you need to enter values for api_key:access_token.