Inappropriate renewal charges for Kite API?

I subscribed to the Kite Connect API in the month of May 2018. I used the APIs for a month and before the renewal date, unlinked my Zerodha account. I wasn't yet ready to fully use the API, so the idea was to come back to it again in a few months time. Quite correctly, I was not charged for renewals in the month of June. But suddenly in the month of July, my account was again linked and without any intimation, my account was charged for the API renewal.

I opened a support ticket with Zerodha on July 27th, but there is not even an acknowledgement till date, even after repeated reminders. They again went ahead and charged for the historical API too, which was unsubscribed in June as well. So what's going on really? Is there any forum to raise such issues? Since Zerodha support is completely irresponsive, I am clueless whom to approach.

  • pavan_zerodha
    Update: Zerodha finally responded to my support ticket and acknowledged problem at their end and agreed to refund the subscriptions charges for the API.
  • sujith
    Please write to talk(at) for Kite Connect subscription related queries. Someone from our team will get back to you.
  • pavan_zerodha
    Thanks Sujith. I heard back from them today morning and the issue seems to have been resolved. I was a bit disappointed that there was not even an acknowledgement of the ticket for almost 10 days. I would like to believe though that it's a one off case. Thanks.
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